Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Are the backgrounds of your web browsers. They have all different kinds of personans which look cool and have different feeling for different people.

add ons

Personas Plus. Is a add on which changes your back ground and lets you chose from all different types of backgrounds.
Easy Youtube. Is a free add on that automatic youtube for those people you love to watch youtube on the go or just at home.
Ebay sidebar. Is a tool built in so where ever you are on net you can always check you ebay deals.
Amazon Browser. Gives you all different great deals at any time get top ten deals 10 minutes early.
Amazon Wishlist. You can add any product from any website to your wishlist.
New tab king. Access your most used sites and use old tabs to figure out tabs and docs for you.
Imtranslator. is a translator for different languages that could help out with school and different events.
F.B. Purity. helps you clean up facebook of all those annoying adds.
Text to Voice. If your not high on reading it great you highlight text or click on it and then click on add on and it while speak what is highlighted.
Forecast firefox. Is and add on which gives you weather any where in world so for science projects with weather or just bored look at this great app.


 Zerg rush. Is a google trick where when you search you fight off a bunch of Os that are trying to eat all the Urls in screen. Once eaten you lose and get you score.
Google sphere. Is where your home screen turns into sphere and your mouse controls the sphere turning round and round.
Do. Type do into google home page and hit a space it will make your screen do a barrel roll. only once though you have to go back and do it again if you want another time.
Loco. Is where the home page of google starts dancing in circles.
New way to multitask. Is a way to have mutliple different types of mouses at once.